A-Z list of all services provided by the Information Services & Technology Division
A Adobe Creative Cloud AFS (Highlander AFS) ANSYS Audiovisual Equipment Requests Autodesk
B Banner (HR, Finance, Student)
C Canvas Classroom Microphones Classroom Projectors (wired) Classroom Technology and Support Creo
D E eduroam@NJIT Email (Webmail by Google) EndNote
F Faculty Computers
Google Classroom Google Groups H
I Illegal Sharing of Copyrighted Materials IST Service Desk
J JMP Mac JMP Windows
K Kepler Repository
M Mathematica MathType Matlab Media and Video Conferencing Support
N NJITguest
O Online Proctoring
P Password Resets Phishing Awareness Printing for Students Public Computing Labs ProctorU Live+ ProctorU Record+
R Respondus Rhino
S SAS Software Available for Download SPSS (Mac) SPSS (Windows) Steno.njit.edu Storage (Cloud and Network) Student computers
U UCID (University Computing ID)
V Virtual Private Networking (VPN)
W Webmail by Google (Email) Wired and Wireless Network Wolfram (Mathematica)