Get Started with IST Services - Employee
IST provides a full range of information technology services to support the university’s initiatives. Get started with those most relevant to the needs of employees.
In addition to these services, IST offers services specific for faculty and research needs.
Visit Human Resources
Visit the Department of Human Resources (Fenster Hall, suite 500) and complete the necessary new hire paperwork, including your I-9 form. Human Resources will enter your information into their system within 48 hours of verifying your eligibility to work. If possible, you may visit HR prior to your first day of employment. For questions, please contact Human Resources at (973) 596-3140.
Claim Your UCID
After your paperwork is processed by Human Resources, you will be able to Claim Your UCID. Your UCID provides access to most NJIT computing services (e.g. Highlander Pipeline, WebMail by Google, Canvas, Banner). (more info)
Webmail by Google
All NJIT faculty, students, and members of the alumni community are given an official NJIT email address. (more info)
Your email address is:
Employees are also provided a formal name email alias:
Google Drive
Webmail by Google includes Google Drive, an online document creation and collaboration tool. Google Drive is the primary cloud storage solution for the NJIT community. Employees are provided with unlimited storage. (more info)
Highlander Pipeline & Banner
Highlander Pipeline provides quick access to many services such as Digital Measures Activity Insight for Faculty, Explorance Blue Course Evaluation Service, Highlander eMerchant (Unimarket), Streamlyne Grants Management, Anthony Travel Reservations, Chrome River Travel and Expense Reporting, and important announcements and other news for the NJIT community. (more info)
Banner is the university’s primary administrative information system supporting business processes and electronic records across the university including employee timesheet submissions, budget information, class lists and grade submissions. (more info)
Computing Resources
The Information Services & Technology (IST) division provides a full range of information technology services to support the university’s academic, research, student service, administrative, and public services initiatives
Licensed Software
NJIT provides and maintains access to an extensive list of software available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Titles are made available in accordance with each license agreement - some can be downloaded directly to personal computers, while others are accessible only on NJIT-owned computers, such as those provided as part of the Faculty Computer Distribution Program or those available in the public computing labs.
NJIT Wireless Network
NJIT has robust wireless networking available throughout the campus. The network provides fast and simple access to various electronic resources.
VPN allows you to securely access NJIT network resources from anywhere at any time. NJIT supports Cisco Secure Client VPN, which is compatible with a wide variety of devices.
Audio/Visual Equipment Requests
Audio/visual and computer equipment such as laptop computers, projectors, tripod screens, cameras, camcorders, and public address systems may be signed out by employees. Equipment is first-come first-serve and must be reserved at least 24 hours in advance. Requests for classroom support are prioritized. (more info)
IST Service Desk
The IST Service Desk is the central hub for computing information and first point of contact for getting help and reporting issues related to computing technology at NJIT. The IST Service Desk is open 24 hours per day 7 days per week, and can be reached at (973) 596-2900.