NJIT's Data Governance program is guided by the following principles.
Data is a Valued Asset
University data is a shared asset owned by NJIT, not an individual or unit.
University data will be appropriately managed throughout its lifecycle.
Business Alignment
Data will be governed and managed in a manner that aligns with NJIT’s missions and strategic goals.
All members of the university community will manage and use data only in ways that are consistent with data policies.
Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and adhered to.
Downstream uses will be considered before changes are made.
As a shared asset, university data will be accessible to those who need it based on defined roles.
As a shared asset, data is used by many stakeholders and their needs must be considered in the evaluation of proposed changes.
Quality standards for university data will be defined, implemented, monitored, and communicated to ensure that data is accurate, current, and reliable.
Data integrity will be assured with respect to accuracy, completeness, consistency, timeliness, validity, and uniqueness.
Security, Confidentiality, Privacy, and Ethical Use
Data will be safeguarded and protected from unauthorized use and disclosure according to approved security and privacy guidelines.
Data classified as confidential and will be reviewed prior to reporting or other disclosure to ensure no personal or de-identified data is released.
Data will be managed and used in a transparent and ethical manner.
Data practices will ensure that inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure of PII is avoided.
Data management practices will comply with legal and regulatory requirements, internal policies (including the Data Retention Policy), and industry best practices and standards.
Staff are trained to understand the regulatory and other restrictions that apply to the data they work with.
Data Minimization
Minimize the data collected and retain it for only as long as needed.
Affirmed by the Data Governance Subcommittee, March 16, 2022.